2,544 research outputs found

    An Alternative Method to Evaluate Complex Information Technology Projects

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    For most companies, it is a reality to face uncertainties when conducting complex projects focused on the implementation of Information Systems (IS) and, as a consequence, cost-benefit evaluation of this kind of projects has become a difficult task. In this context, Real Options Theory (ROT) has proved to be a viable alternative to provide methods to evaluate complex projects, not only in Information Technology but in many other economics and business areas. This paper intends to demonstrate how ROT can be applied to evaluate complex Information Technology projects, exploring a case study involving an implementation project of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). In the case study, two distinct solutions for the implementation of an ERP were evaluated, demonstrating the applicability of ROT to such complex situations

    Management practices and influences on IT architecture decisions: a case study in a telecom company

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    The study aims to analyze the IT architecture management practices associated with their degree of maturity and the influence of institutional and strategic factors on the decisions involved through a case study in a large telecom organization. The case study allowed us to identify practices that led the company to its current stage of maturity and identify practices that can lead the company to the next stage. The strategic influence was mentioned by most respondents and the institutional influence was present in decisions related to innovation and those dealing with a higher level of uncertainties

    Análise morfométrica de frutos e sementes de Annona crassiflora Mart. (annonaceae) do Brasil Central

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    Com a existente redução da cobertura vegetal do Cerrado, diversas espécies arbóreas têm suas áreas de ocorrência diminuídas e como consequência perdem parte de sua diversidade genética. Para contrapor este cenário faz-se necessário conhecer a diversidade genética afim de embasar projetos e medidas práticas de conservação. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a variabilidade genética populacional de Annona crassiflora por meio de dados morfométricos de frutos e sementes em quatro populações no Brasil central. No total foram obtidos 152 frutos de 73 matrizes dos quais foram medidos a altura, diâmetro, massa do fruto, massa de 100 sementes e número de sementes por fruto. Os frutos foram despolpados e as semente retiradas para se medir a altura, largura e espessura. O estudo de cluster hierárquico mostrou o agrupamento de 11 pequenos grupos e dois grandes grupos, sendo que nestes dois grandes grupos há representantes das quatro populações amostradas. Isso mostra que não há uma divisão específica das populações, indicando alta variabilidade genética. Os frutos da população de Buritis foram, via de regra, significativamente maiores que das outras populações o que pode evidenciar distanciamento genético ou diferentes condições ambientais de polinização. Este padrão não foi observado nas analise das dimensões das sementes, embora tenha havido diferença estatística entre as populações. De forma geral as maiores dimensões foram encontradas nas populações de Planaltina e Buritis. Diante disso as análises indicam alta diversidade genética e frutos/sementes com dimensões maiores nos locais com melhor estado de conservação.With the existing reduction of the vegetation cover of the Cerrado, several tree species have their areas of occurrence diminished, and as a consequence, they lose part of their genetic diversity. To counter this scenario it is necessary to know the genetic diversity in order to base projects and practical conservation measures. Thus, the objective of this work was to investigate the genetic variability of Annona crassiflora by means of morphometric data of fruits and seeds in four populations in central Brazil. In total, 152 fruits were obtained from 73 matrices, of which the height, diameter, fruit mass, mass of 100 seeds and number of seeds per fruit were measured. The fruits were stripped and the seed removed to measure their height, width and thickness. The hierarchical cluster study showed the grouping of 11 small groups and two large groups, and in these two large groups there are representatives of the four populations sampled. This shows that there is no specific division of populations, indicating high genetic variability. The fruits of the Buritis population were, as a rule, significantly larger than those of other populations, which may indicate genetic distancing or different environmental conditions of pollination and dispersion. This pattern was not observed in the seed size analysis, although there was a statistical difference between the populations. In general, the largest dimensions were found in the populations of Planaltina and Buritis. Therefore, the analyzes indicate high genetic diversity and fruits/seeds with larger dimensions in the best-preserved state

    Information Technology and Organizational Efficiency: A Study in the Capital Goods Sector

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    Among the possible measures for Information Technology (IT) success is its impact on companies´ performance. Many researches have been conducted to show the influence of IT on firms´ results, but mainly through studies in large-sized firms. The objective of this work is to analyze the relationships between IT investments and organizational efficiency, focusing on micro, small and medium sized enterprises. For this, critical success factors for industrial firms’ performance were identified and a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) model was developed and tested in a sample of firms in the capital goods sector. DEA is especially interesting because it allows comparing and differentiating those firms in the sample which are more efficient in deriving results from IT. Among the results found were the higher capacity of small firms to translate IT investments into operational efficiency and the higher capacity of larger firms to convert critical success factors into profitability

    ICT Regulation Process: Habermas Meets The Multiple Streams Framework

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    The speed of emerging technology evolution and the concerns about the adverse outcomes put pressure on the incremental pattern of lawmaking. We conducted an empirical study by using Habermas’ Theory of Communicative Action with the help of the Multiple Streams Framework in order to answer the question: what are the difficulties in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) regulation process in Brazil? It is a qualitative research, applied to the three levels of the political-technocrat environment. The focus is the archival analysis of public records produced by specialized Science and Technology Committees from legislative houses in 2019, for an exploratory assessment of the difficulties. We aim at contributing to fill the gap in the studies of the regulation process of emerging technologies, which can become an additional competitive hurdle to a developing country

    Using a Digital Divide Index among Enterprises in the Context of Public Policies in Brazil

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    The aim of the present paper is to discuss the relevance of an index capable of measuring the digital divide among small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and discuss its importance in the context of public policies. The contention is that the digital divide mainly affects SMEs, and that this phenomenon is related to the low productivity and high mortality rates of these organizations. The methodology for creating the index is replicated here in order to discuss the quality criteria necessary for the index, within the scope of its utility for public managers

    An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Information Quality and Individual Impact in Organizations

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    The aim of this research is to confirm that information quality impacts individual work, considering external variables that may influence knowledge workers perception of information quality and individual impact. This research is descriptive and the constructs used are known and previously validated. However, the research model, that includes external variables that may influence the relationship between perceived information quality and individual impact, has never been proposed nor validated by other researchers. The research unit is the individual that work in organizations and use at least one information system to do his/her job. A survey using self employed electronic questionnaire was applied to one large organization that operates in Paraná State, Brazil. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the data. The results confirmed the positive influence of information quality on individual impacts and pointed out external variables that influence these perceived variables

    Analisando fatores que influenciam o uso das TIC em escolas brasileiras

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    A incorporação das tecnologias nas escolas contribui para expandir o acesso à informação atualizada e, principalmente, para promover a criação de comunidades colaborativas de aprendizagem que privilegiam a construção do conhecimento, a comunicação, a formação continuada e a gestão articulada entre as áreas administrativa e pedagógica da escola. No Brasil, é possível observar a existência de propostas de incentivo ao uso das tecnologias digitais na educação, no entanto, é importante salientar que a ênfase das discussões recai sobre a disponibilidade de hardware e software. Diante da importância em compreender a relação da tecnologia e do universo escolar, este estudo tem por objetivo identificar fatores que influenciam um maior uso das TIC em escolas brasileiras. Foram utilizados os microdados de 2013 da pesquisa “TIC Educação”, realizada periodicamente pelo Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil (CGI.br), com uma amostra de 541 escolas públicas e privadas em todas as regiões do país. Entre os resultados, foi demonstrado que uma escola fara ́ um maior uso das tecnologias a partir do momento em que e ́ possível ter uma direção que suporte o uso. Além disso, torna-se importante que a escola oferte uma infraestrutura que traga a maior disponibilidade de computadores para o uso pedagógico, bem como ofereça aulas especificas de informática. Por fim, integrar o computador e a Internet às práticas pedagógicas, também demonstrou-se um fator importante para que haja um elevado uso das tecnologias

    Capacidades e atores na gestão de sistemas ERP: um estudo exploratório entre usuários corporativos do ERP da SAP

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    ERP systems are now an important component of information technology architecture in most large and medium sized companies. As such, it is inevitable that the activities undertaken to align this component to business requirements, conduct its evolution and ensure its performance and availability become increasingly important to companies' IT areas. Success of these activities relies upon knowledge and participation of various actors inside and outside the IT area, imposing challenges not observed in internally developed systems. This paper proposes a model for the analysis of ERP systems management based on a previous work on the subject with the inclusion of the IT capabilities model and a description of the actors (stakeholders) involved in the process of using an ERP system in a company. The proposed model is the basis for an exploratory survey conducted with 85 Brazilian companies whose results also comprise this text. The results suggest that only part of the capabilities is present and only part of the actors effectively participates on the ERP systems management effort.Os sistemas ERP constituem importante componente da arquitetura corporativa de informações da maioria das empresas de grande e médio porte. Assim, as atividades realizadas, para sustentar o alinhamento deste componente às necessidades do negócio, conduzir sua evolução e manter sua plena operação, adquirem importância crescente nas empresas. Essas atividades dependem de capacidades da área de TI e da participação de diversos atores, internos e externos à empresa usuária, o que determina desafios peculiares para a gestão de sistemas ERP. Este trabalho reúne dois modelos da literatura em uma proposta de análise para a gestão de sistemas ERP, que considera as capacidades exigidas e os atores envolvidos. Com base nessa proposta, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com objetivo de determinar o quão presentes se fazem os atores e as capacidades essenciais da área de TI na gestão de sistemas ERP. Os resultados sugerem a efetiva participação de apenas parcela dos atores e capacidades


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    Delphi technique has been largely used in researches, as much via its traditional form, focused on estimations, as via its ranking-type. However, despite being a technique established for over 60 years, there are not in the academic literature, until now, properly structured and complete schemes or scripts that can be used to apply the Delphi technique in its ranking-type. In order to fill this gap, a new script is presented in this paper – the Method for Achieving Rankings Using the Delphi Technique (MARD, in its abbreviated form). In addition, it is depicted a study in which MARD was applied. Due to be derived from scripts already tested, MARD takes into account several aspects that the authors of those scripts believe to be relevant, and also presents, in a more detailed way, the steps to be performed along all stages required to carry out a Delphi panel in its ranking-type. MARD showed to be complete and robust, by providing adequate methodological support for the Delphi panel presented as an example, and by revealing potential to be generalized and therefore applied to other sorts of Delphi panels in its ranking-type.A técnica Delphi tem sido largamente empregada em estudos e pesquisas, tanto em sua forma tradicional, voltada à geração de estimativas, quanto para a elaboração de rankings. Entretanto, apesar de ser uma técnica criada há mais de 60 anos, ainda não se encontram na literatura acadêmica proposições adequadamente estruturadas e completas de sistemáticas e métodos para aplicação da Delphi em sua ranking form. Para suprir esta lacuna, propõe-se um Método para Obter e Analisar Rankings com Emprego da Técnica Delphi (abreviadamente, MARD). Em adição, é descrito um estudo no qual o MARD foi utilizado. Por ser derivado de roteiros testados, o MARD contempla uma série de aspectos considerados relevantes por autores de outras metodologias e apresenta ainda, de forma bastante detalhada, os passos a serem cumpridos em todas as etapas requeridas para a realização de um painel Delphi nesta modalidade. O MARD mostrou-se completo e robusto, provendo o adequado suporte metodológico para a realização do painel Delphi apresentado como exemplo e demonstrando ter potencial para generalização e consequente emprego em outros tipos de painéis Delphi em seu ranking form